at the workplace | © | Mathias Kniepeiss at the workplace | © | Mathias Kniepeiss
The companies with the highest turnover in Steiermark

Top of Styria

They are representative of the many outstanding entrepreneurs in the Green Heart of Austria. With their courage, their innovative strength and their commitment, they provide jobs, added value, economic growth and thus quality of life in Steiermark.

A list of the top 100 companies in 2022 can be found at

Rang Vergleich Unternehmen Firmensitz Umsatz Mitarbeiter Branche
1 = Andritz AG Graz 6.463.000.000 26.832 Industry
2 + ams OSRAM AG Premstätten 26.130 Industry
3 - MAGNA STEYR AG & Co KG Graz 5.035.700.000 8.800 Industry
4 + Energy Styria Graz 1.807.161.533 1.938 Energy
5 + KNAPP AG Hart bei Graz 1.666.611.400 6.261 Industry
6 = AT&S  Leoben 1.600.000.000 15.000 Industry
7 - AVL List GmbH Graz 1.600.000.000 10.700 Industry
8 - Styrian hospitals Graz 1.197.833.535 18.172 Services
9 = Bartenstein Group Lannach 9.350 Joint venture /-group
10 + Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding AG Leoben 806.000.000 1.850 Industry
11 - Group Granit Graz 766.000.000 2.506 Joint venture /-group
12 = Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH Graz 607.000.000 1.549 Industry



Sappi Austria 

Gratkorn 598.325.000 1.223 Industry
14 = Frutura Fruit & Vegetables Hartl bei Kaindorf 496.322.489 444 Trade
15 = Holding Graz Graz 473.344.700 3.000 Services
16 + Münzer Bioindustry GmbH Sinabelkirchen 430.000.000 366 Joint venture /-group
17 + Stölzle Oberglas GmbH Köflach 416.500.000 3.150 Industry
18 =

Land cooperative Ennstal eGen

Stainach 412.030.000 1.540 Joint venture /-group
19 - Styria Media Group AG Graz 404.000.000 2.950 Other
20 +


Feldkirchen bei Graz 369.743.988 3.344 Services
21 + Zellstoff Pöls AG Pöls 352.230.923 508 Industry
22 + MAGNA Presstec GmbH Weiz 346.371.412 853 Industry
23 - Steyrmeat Holding GmbH Schwarzautal 345.300.000 859 Joint venture /-group
24 + Knill Gruppe Weiz 332.864.000 2.248 Industry
25 + Upper Styrian  Dairy eGen Knittelfeld 318.018.926 560 Trade
26 + MM Frohnleiten GmbH Frohnleiten 307.000.000 573 Industry
27 - Samsung SDI Battery Systems Premstätten 306.933.080 562 Industry
28 + Lieb Bau Group of companies Weiz 306.000.000 1.222 Joint venture /-group
29 + Pankl Racing Systems AG Kapfenberg 285.104.000 2.141 Industry
30 ! umdasch Store Makers Leibnitz Leibnitz 281.743.000 1.400 Industry
31 + Kastner&Öhler Graz 280.914.425 1.393 Trade
32 + Wolfram Mining and metallurgy AG St. Martin 275.760.000 356 Industry
33 - TDK Electronics  Deutschlandsberg 275.500.000 842 Industry
34 + MPG GmbH Graz 270.000.000 2.550 Trade
35 + ÖSTU-STETTIN Building and civil engineering Leoben 259.893.000 473 Industry
36 - Jerich Austria GmbH Gleisdorf 256.500.000 689 Transport
37 + Mechanical engineering Liezen and glazing Liezen 245.837.885 969 Industry
38 + Steel and rolling mill Marienhütte Graz 239.310.060 297 Industry
39 - Leder & Schuh AG Graz 233.221.220 2.054 Trade
40 - MAGNA Auteca GmbH Weiz 215.246.346 639 Industry
41 + Vogl & Co.  Graz 211.396.925 391 Trade
42 - Pappas Styria GmbH Graz 208.977.764 393 Trade
43 + Onlinecars  Lieboch 201.285.366 82 Trade
44 - ÖWG Housing (group) Graz 199.351.000 212 Services
45 + Norske Skog Bruck GmbH Bruck an der Mur 189.912.109 407 Industry
46 + Ringana GmbH Sankt Johann in der Haide 189.202.001 420 Industry and
47 + Breitenfeld Stainless steel AG St. Barbara im Mürztal 188.929.000 328 Industry
48 + REMUS Holding GmbH Voitsberg 188.000.000 1.013 Industry
49 + Allnex Austria GmbH Werndorf 186.830.476 328 Industry
50 - Styriabrid GmbH St. Veit am Vogau 184.488.372 26 Trade


Impressive technology from XAL | © | Mathias Kniepeiss


Here you will find an overview of the most important areas of public and private life in the Green Heart of Austria and an insight into working in Steiermark.

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